Whew…I need a break!

The last 3 weeks have been a whirlwind. I had a MRI that showed an unusual “mass” in my behind (a cutie in my patootie – as we like to say) and was scheduled to see a surgeon two days later. I had surgery less than a week later to remove said...

Learning to Love

It was a normal “at home” Saturday..you know washing clothes and cleaning up the house. I took the kids clothes basket upstairs to put their clothes away when I encountered the disaster affectionately know as “Cailee’s Room.” Everything...

Whoa that face!

Confession time! I am a terrible poker player. Ok, so I do not play poker that often, truth be told I think I was in college the last time I played and I lost all my popcorn! Poker does require some amount of skill. And well, I have a terrible poker face. No matter...

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