Day 10: Choose Truth Over Lies

Lies: I am a quitter.

Truth: God gives me staying power!

Scripture: Phillipians 4:13 NLT

“I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.”

We are so excited to have Shelia Watson sharing with us today. She tackles the topic of quitting. We pray it is encouraging to your heart as we continue to put lies to rest:

Quitting is my weakness. It is the lie I have believed for as long as I can remember. I have quit in the small things as well as the big things. I know God did not design me to be a quitter. I have allowed a lie to keep me in fear, in bondage. I believed quitting was part of who I am and what people expected from me.

In the book, The Spirit-Led Heart, Suzanne Eller, Living Free Together writes:

“When we believe lies that say we are unworthy, we miss out on the greatest live story of all time. Lies hold us captive. They are an accusation from the enemy. They hammer at the identity and purpose of a daughter of God, and
that’s unacceptable.”

For years, I believed this lie. It hindered me from moving forward in the places I felt God calling me. I convinced myself I wasn’t good enough. I wasn’t smart enough.
And I wasn’t strong enough (more lies).

“This is my command — be strong and courageous! Do not
be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you
wherever you go.” Joshua 1: 9 NLT

I needed to overcome my fear. To “quit” believing the lie and stop living in disobedience. My lack of submission required strength and determination. In my weakness, He
would make me strong. But first, I needed confidence. Like Suzanne, “I didn’t have a clue where to find confidence, but it was right inside of me all along.”

John 14:36 proclaims,
“But when the Father sends the Advocate as my
representative — that is, the Holy Spirit — he will teach
you everything and will remind you of everything I have told

This Advocate was inside me. My Helper to guide me during my crisis, teaching me to overcome my weakness and fear.
That’s was the Holy Spirit does. He leads us into the life God has purposed us for. 

As I reflected on this promise, this truth, I thought of all my missed opportunities. The dreams I gave up on. The relationships I quit. I took out my journal and named my fear. I wrote the reason I quit. I asked God to change me
and my way of thinking. I confessed my sin of quitting and asked to be released from my bondage. I asked for help and to equip me with strength, endurance, and confidence. I know He will never give me more than I can handle and He will never leave me to go it alone.

Prayer/Further Study

Lord, You are good. You are our guide, our protection, our provision. You have a purpose for every one of us. Help us live with courage, pressing forward when we want to stop. Help us fight the good fight. In Jesus name, Amen
Is there something you have quit that you know God has called you to move forward with? Write Philippians 4: 7 down and ask God to help you move forward. Ask Him for “staying power”.

Read Acts 20:23-24. What did the Holy Spirit reveal to Paul. Paul had every reason to quit sharing the Good news. Why did He press on? Where did He receive His “staying power”?
What verses help you press forward? Share one of your go-to verses in the comments!


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