
Swimming pools, lemonade , water-skiing, lazy rivers, summer breaks, family vacations and VBS!


When I was a little girl VBS was an awesome week of going to church with all my cousins, eating ring cookies off my finger and meeting new friends. Singing songs, making crafts and having a wonderful time. Until one year. One year, when I had gotten a little older than the rest of the girls and apparently dependable, they moved me out of my class and had me keep nursery. I was so disappointed. Don’t get me wrong, part of me felt grown up but the bigger part of me wanted to be with my friends, see the puppet shows about Jesus, sing songs and slide down the giant slide. VBS!


Today, I’m wondering how old I was at that VBS.

I’m wondering if I was the age of the girls Donna and I are walking alongside this week.

Was I 14-15?

And now, I’m thinking that I probably was and it’s possible someone that year thought I had “outgrown” VBS.

Today, I’m sitting here 43 years old (they are calling me the wisest in our group, which translated means the oldest) and I have determined…we never are too old for VBS!

And I don’t say this just because Donna and I were laughing while sword fitting the first night. And not because I was secretly having a blast picking out decorations. And not because drinking from a milk carton is awesome!

vbs 1 vbs 2

But because, As I open my bible to study for teenage girls, I’m learning!

God is speaking to my heart the same as I pray He speaks to theirs.

Just yesterday while looking at chapter 1 of Daniel verse 8 took hold of my heart:

“But Daniel purposed in His heart not to defile himself”

But Daniel resolved…

But Daniel made up His mind…

But Daniel was determined…NOT TO DEFILE HIMSELF.

But Daniel choose not to turn from God’s ways and cause harm to himself.

God whispered, that’s for you and the teenage girls.

You both will face times when you have to choose.

  • Me or the world?
  • Right or Left?
  • Me or an idol?
  • Me or the crowd?

Decide now, before your are faced with the pressure.

Purpose your heart to choose God each day, each situation, each trial; trusting Him to see your through.


No, I’m not too old for VBS. Not to old to read the scriptures over and over. Not to old to approach it with fresh eyes and open ears anticipating what God will say!

And hopefully all the girls we get to spend time with this week will see that Jesus is the way and walk in it!


“And whenever you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear this command behind you:

‘This is the way. Walk in it.’ ”

Isaiah 30:21

Saying yes to VBS~ Jodie

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