February. It’s the shortest month and at my house it’s filled with several celebrations. There is Valentines Day, my daughter’s birthday, and her grandmother’s birthday. And this February there was another celebration. The celebration of God’s love for us.

Honestly, I never knew what asking one question on my Facebook page could lead to, but I’m sure glad I asked. Responses from women to complete these two statements led me on a journey that was nothing short of remarkable (can’t you just hear the little boy from the Little Rascals? REE-Mark-able!). Just before February I asked Facebook friends to complete this, “God’s love is ____________ and makes me __________”.

The answers that followed made me smile, think, reflect, and dig deep into God’s treasure-filled word, all in hopes to celebrate the greatest love there is and ever will be, God’s. My desire was to find scriptural backing to answers such as, “God’s love is everlasting, eternal, never-failing, and abundant” and then to see how those who believe this truth celebrated and encouraged others to celebrate as well. It’s been a beautiful journey.

I’ve found that sometime my celebration is outward with words of praise and testimony over the amazing way God loves us. Other times I am finding that it’s an inward posture of worship that is uttered in my heart and cannot be adequately expressed in words. Either way, I must say, there is nothing I can find that deserves more celebration than the eternal, enduring, never-ending, awe-inspiring, sacrificial love of our Lord!

Are you celebrating God’s love in your life? How does that look?

Psalm 67 says, “be glad and sing”!

May the peoples praise you, God;
may all the peoples praise you.
May the nations be glad and sing for joy. Psalm 67:3-4

Or, are you unsure if you are loved by God?

If that last question is met with a yes in your life, stop and read Romans 5:8

‘But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.’

God didn’t wait for us to “get our lives right” to love us.
He made the way for us WHILE we were STILL sinners.

That’s reason for a celebration. God’s love is unconditional. God’s love is sacrificial. Stephanie Adams with Real Women Ministries penned these beautiful words about God’s sacrificial love,

“God loved…so He gave (John 3:16) – He gave it all; He held nothing back.

When we were at our worst He still bowed Himself low, wrapped in flesh, and sacrificed Himself for us.

He laid aside all that was divine and picked up a splintered cross.”

Reading those tender words gave me an inward celebration. One created by a state of awe and wonder. One where I lost my words and was like my friend, Meredith Bernard, who said, “God’s love is eternal and makes me weep.” Somehow in the depths of my soul I understood those tears as celebration for a love that outlasts any other.

From the very beginning, He loved.
God’s love has no beginning and no end. It is infinite.
Unmeasurable. God’s love outlasts, outlives, and out gives any other.
Oh how I pray that February came with celebration in your life. Maybe there were no birthdays or special occasions, but I hope there was a celebration of God’s love for you. And if not, what’s stopping you? February isn’t over and the celebration can spill right over into March, April, May and June. Why stop?
Let’s be women who celebrate the love of God everyday of our lives!


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